Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm a Speed Scrapper!

I did it second challenge!
In my previous post I told you all about how many challenges does each month...but I forgot to tell you about their SpeedScrap! I'm not sure how often they do these, but I participated in my first one last was great!

We are given one step of the instructions every 10 minutes during the first hour, then have the second hour to complete the layout and an additonal 15 minutes to get it posted.

Last nights instructions were:
1. Choose any number of photos, but they have to be black and white. Play with the contrast here. Have fun. (It’s Black Friday, remember)
2. Use a black paper somewhere on your LO. You can use as many other papers as you would like.
3. Include ribbon or string because you’ll be wrapping these gifts you bought today soon enough!
4. To remind you of all the money you spent, add some bling.
5. Add a list to your page…could look something like the shopping list you carried around today.
6. Use ONE of the following words on your LO: black, Friday, gift, present, sale, wait, hustle, bustle, money, cha-ching, wish, list
7. Add title, date and journaling if you wish
and this is my page:

This was really a stretch for me...I probably would not have chosen black...and even though I like b/w photos, I haven't done alot with them, but wanted this forced my hand, and I'm pleased with the layout overall...I did go back after the challenge and add in the blue eyes, and tipped the pictures and frames a bit, then posted a second this one is my second. I wasn't sure if the rules allowed you to post and then re-post, so the layout I submitted for the challenge is a little different than this one...but I like this one better and wanted to share it here! (with all my friends!)


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